Teacher Tuesday

Well, remember the book I was going to start reading…

I did. And then realized it was for intermediate levels! :(
I did, however, gain some ideas from the pages I read:
-having a reading journal that they must connect the text they are reading to themselves
-having a set schedule for responding to certain journals on certain days, so it doesn't get overwhelming
-having silent reading time, and allowing students time to share/discuss the books they are reading 

So, I am now reading:

I had some Kagan training at the end of last year and loved it! I was supplied the book with my training, but didn’t have time to read it. So, now I am so that I can better prepare myself for a Kagan room.
The first thing I have done to be more Kagan friendly is get rid of my student desks and move to tables. This is HUGE for me, and I hope that I can actually handle it.
I have also made this sign:

Nothing fancy, but you can get yours here

This was an idea shared at the training I went to. Part of a Kagan classroom is giving praise and support/coaching. The idea behind this poster is that every day a student will be chosen to come up with the slogan of the day (i.e. ‘Your brain is on fire’) and it will be listed for the class to reference. I will be printing a regular size for the hallway entrance and a ½ poster size (laminated) for the classroom.

On a more creative note, I started making a bunting for my classroom using these fabrics:

FUN! Don’t you think?

Anyone else out there Kagan trained, or use the strategies in your classroom? I would love to hear from you and any tips you can offer!

your photo name

1 comment

  1. I have the book too... Went to workshop for few days last year... Was great first few months and then totally started slacking on it!!!hopefuly this year will be better with it!! You will love the tables :)


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