emergency bag

Have you ever gotten to work and begin to question whether you applied deodorant that morning? Well, that was definitely me this week! But I didn't have to worry for long...

If you are a teacher, then this is a must have for your classroom!

Inside my desk drawer you will find an emergency bag. This simple little bag has come in handy several times over the years (or just this week) and is always one of the first things I put together at the start of the year.


What you fill this magical bag is up to you, but here is a peak into mine…. 


Deodorant- for whether you forget to apply in the morning rush, or you need a refresher after recess.


Advil- self-explanatory… especially this year!


Hairspray and Hairbrush- picture day, meeting, windy day, a case of lice…. 

Hair Ties- bad hair day, bad day, mask making you hot?


Safety Pins- I cannot tell you how many times students and coworkers have needed these over the years.


Mouth Wash and Dental Floss- freshen up after that lunch break or before a meeting


Chapstick/Lotion- Winter weather? Too much hand sanitizer or washing?

Money- snack or soda machine emergency 

Band-Aids- hang nail, papercut, or uncomfortable shoes


Not pictured- feminine products šŸ˜‰


The key is to also remember to refill when you have used something, so you don’t find yourself stuck. 

**AND if you are a Teacher Mom with your child with you at school....learn from me this week with Red2 having some dental pain! Add some children's Tylenol and allergy meds to your bag as well.


Do you have an emergency kit in your classroom? What is a must have in your bag?

teach. create. love life.



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