
Slowly I am finding my way out of the spinning I feel like I have been doing for the past 2+ weeks. I love the excitement and freshness that a new school year brings, but it also comes with a LOT of stress and crazy! 
I spent my preplanning week in meetings for half the day and then spent the other half MADLY unpacking and decorating. It still is a work in progress, but I am in.love. with my classroom. This is my 11th year of teaching and by far this is my favorite classroom. 

Here are some before and afters....
After- paper buntings that I made and my ABC Chevron Word Wall letters


Reward system used with my behavior management system

used my Silhouette to create vinyl headers

Behavior Management System 

Helper Chart

Chevron bags with sticker labels. Craft sticks with students' names slide in
And some more of the ugly. Hopefully I will get the rest completed in the next two weeks {just in time for Open House ;)} and will do a complete reveal. 

...and E's first day in 1st grade! This makes me feel old :(

I hope you all have had a wonderful back to school, whether a parent or teacher. 



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Where have I been (my 3 faithful followers) you are wondering?
I've been MIA because it was my last week of freedom (sort of) and I was soaking in every.last.bit!
There were some workshops :(,
a first hair cut

a lot of beach and family
some crafting (more on these projects later)

and a surprise party for my MIL

oh yeah..... and then....
This crazy silly 9.5 month old decided to take his first steps! Oh that face! I.DIE.

And with this smorgasbord, my summer is over :( 

I have a HOT MESS of a classroom waiting for me (and meetings every day until 11:30) Hopefully, fingers crossed, it will somehow get done before Meet the Teacher. But, I am fully willing and ready to apply caution tape to the room if necessary, lol!
So, see you in a week....when, hopefully, I will emerge on top!

If you don't mind... take a minute and become a follower. Let me know there are more than 3 of you out there :)

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A new unit and sale!

Finally getting this posted. I've been busy enjoying the last moments of freedom. I'm working on that bucket list (specifically the beach) this week. 

This unit and the rest of my TPT store will be on sale 28% today and tomorrow (August 4-5) for their Back to School sale. Make sure you enter BTS14 when checking out to receive your discount and become a follower of my store and this blog :)

First, to show you the one that I put together myself.....

My brainstorming to recap my summer.

I chose to color the pentagons in bright colors to resemble a beach ball.

After cutting the circles out and folding on the dotted lines, I stapled the circles together by lining up the lines.

So what comes in the unit? The following items below with a little more description of the activity :)

Graphic Organizer and Template to make ball. Students  draw/write in the pentagon to brainstorm. Then color and cut the circle out. Fold on the dotted lines (I found it easier to fold backwards first so that you can see what you are doing) before stapling together.

Primary writing paper in color (intermediate available too)

Primary writing paper in black and white.
Students can color border to make it their own.

Intermediate lined writing paper
(in both this print and chevron colored)

Writing Rubric- Second Grade Common Core aligned
(may not be suitable for beginning of year grading)
Can be used for older grades.

Don't forget it's on sale now! (along with my whole store) Please become a follow of my shop if you do check it out. 


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