On the elusive hunt for...


Sleep? What is that?
Unfortunately, E has gotten into the habit of not wanting to sleep anymore. (Is this really supposed to start at 4??)
I was blessed with a child that went to sleep easily. Whether it was nap or for the night, there was no fighting, no getting up constantly, no calling for us…Lay him down, sing to him, kiss him goodnight…DONE!
Not anymore! At first it was waking up at the crack of dawn early. So I implemented the clock. Genius idea! Use electrical tape over the minutes, and tell them a number. When they see it, they can get up.

Worked beautifully! However, at the end of summer I realized I wasn’t a genius. I cheated myself out of extra time all summer by not setting the clock back! DUH!! Please don’t make the same mistake as me if you implement this! He is also becoming too smart and has realized that the times on other clocks aren't matching (darn having a smart kid!).

Now he doesn’t want to sleep EVER! When he goes down at night we have to play the game of getting up and coming out 10 times, or screaming that he needs us 5 bazillion times. Don't worry we don't entertain him. He comes out, we put him back in- no talking, no anything.We bribe and threaten. Doesn't matter. He.is.persistent.
I thought he was giving up his sacred naps and that was the cause of this nighttime issue. But, his behavior without a nap suggests otherwise. 

All I know is that this momma is over it! I don't know how I got up every couple of hours AND went to work! PLEASE someone bring back my sleep loving boy!


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Fall Wish List Update

Well, it is officially fall here in Florida (yes, I know it's January). Most people think that we don't get seasons here in Florida, but we do. You just have to be patient and more sensitive to the changes occurring. So, while most of you enjoyed your fall a couple of months ago, Floridians are embracing it now. :) 
I do have to be honest, though. We are actually getting a second round of fall. For the first time in 30 (something) years we had an amazing fall at the correct time. Back in November we had beautiful reds, deep purples, and oranges. It was beautiful! Then we warmed right back to the 80's, the trees got confused, started budding again, and well, fall was done. But the cool temps came back again, and so is fall. 
Here is a picture for proof!

So, back to the original reason of this post- to update you on what I actually was able to score from my fall wish list.

source: loft.com
Boots that I have been searching for  for over 2 years!
Scored at Marshalls. Kenneth Cole Reaction
source: Loft
except I purchased it in white
So, not too bad! Of course I didn't just stick to these few items, and more items happened to come home with me. ;)
I do plan on making a Spring Wish List, and I plan on sticking to the key items I place on it- my closet is becoming too full....AND my New Year's Goal is to be more financially responsible. (AND for me that means LESS shopping- withdrawals are going to be bad!)

Here is a possible sneak peek to the Spring List
source: InStyle
Not 100% on it yet, but it looked very tres chic when accessorized in the magazine. 

So do you make fashion wish lists, and if you do what's on yours?


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Joyous December Shenanigans

A December recap through pictures for you :)

We started the month with our annual boat parade.

Then I did the Santa Hustle. Such a fun run! I would highly recommend it if it comes to your area. 

E had his annual school performance. It was so cute to watch him, he was so animated this year! (as opposed to last year when he made hand binoculars to find us and there may have been a wondering finger making its way to his nose. Ha!)

We headed to SeaWorld for their Christmas fun! We were SOO lucky! The park was empty and the weather was PERFECT!
Being eaten byViewing the sharks
Apparently it is normal for a Flamingo parade to pass you
We rode every ride he was able to...definitely have a thrill seeker on our hands!

Making progress- actually wanted to feed and touch the stingrays this time!

Finally telling Santa (yes, the Polar Express Santa) what he wants.
Gavin the Elf was up to no good around here!...Some of his naughty antics.

And E the Elf was up to some silly antics of his own!

Cousins made sugar cookies together.
Best friends watching their creations bake. 
Oops! A few too many sprinkles! But, don't worry he took care of it for us! ;)

And before we knew it, Christmas was here! 
I love these pictures! Every year I take E's picture with this Santa to see how much he has grown!


We left out our treats for Santa and his reindeer...

And everything was ready for E to wake up to...

Santa's loot
Our gifts to E
And as always he was spoiled by loved ones!
Some of the aftermath!
He enjoyed playing Super Heroes...

...But, in true kid fashion- all he wanted was a cardboard box!

I made a trip to the spa for a pedicure :)
And the Mister and I had a date night at the game
To finish off the month, season, and year....
Champagne Cupcakes
The boy that stole my heart
and fireworks!
So as you can see we have stayed busy! I hope to have some posts up on the regular-- perhaps a New Year's Resolution ;)


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