Teacher Tuesday

I'm VERY excited about this unit I just created! 

Last year I saw a huge gap in my students' knowledge when it came to grammar. Specifically, ABC order, dictionary skills, and writing a complete sentence. I don't know if it was my group of kids or the switch in schools, but there was a definite difference in this group of second graders compared to my last. 
This unit takes care of all of those skills and allows me to get to know the kids at the same time!

An example of one that I did....artist I am NOT!

First, students draw a picture of themselves using the center circle (GREAT activity for them to do while you're putting away supplies or any of the other 1,001+ things you have to do the first day). Then you will need to do a lesson/model coming up with adjectives to describe them. The top page only has 5 for younger kids and the bottom has 8. 
I've also included a list of adjectives to help the students if it is needed.
This *may* be a stopping point for you. The next step is to teach/review ABC order, and then have the students place their list of adjectives into ABC order. 
For the younger grades- Has the alphabet at the top of page to help them.

Now, that they have had practice with ABC order, it's time for a dictionary lesson. This may take some time and practice. In second grade, this will take a day or two! Doing a dictionary walk observing how the words are in ABC order, guide words at the top, pronunciation, parts of speech, more than one definition, etc. Play a game after may also be helpful- call out a word (write it on the board) and see who can find it first, and answer questions like part of speech and definition. Once they have had enough time to practice, they can work on defining their own adjectives.
This is the younger grade level example.
Older one is similar but has smaller spacing and enough for eight definitions.
The last step of this activity is to work on sentences. In second grade this is a great way to review a complete sentence and conventions. For older grades you will want to discuss adding details to their sentences. This step can also be a good assessment to show you where your students are at. Students will use all of their adjectives in a sentence to describe themselves.

All papers are black and white, but borders used can be colored (and give your earlier finishers something to work on, while making each one unique to the students). For presenting, all pages can be stapled together to make a book about the student or tape the pages together and hang around the room to display. Makes a GREAT Open House display of work :)

I hope you like it as much as I do! You can find it over on my TPT page.

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P.S. Check back tomorrow....I'll reveal what's behind those doors ;) 

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