Office Planning

The office 'remodel' is in the works. This is what I have planned so far. 

The curtains on the left I purchased from Ikea. They were hanging in P's nursery at the old house. We turned it into a pocket hole instead of the grommets (like picture on the right). They no longer work in his room at the new house, so they will be used in my office. However, the curtains are now too short so I will be purchasing some black material and adding it to the bottom like the picture in the middle.
Ikea curtains / source of other curtain / knobs
The knobs are still in the works and will be purchased today. I have an antique wood desk that needs new knobs and dressing up. I have already purchased some, but they weren't the right fit. All three of the new options are from Anthropology.

paint / picture / shelving unit
The walls are painted Popular Gray from Sherwin-Williams. This was not the original plan for the office, but the painters caught me off guard when they said they were painting that room too. So, I have decided to stay with the color and add aqua/turquoise, black, gold, and white to the room with accessories.
That brings us to the painting from Ikea. It is large, but the high ceilings and decent size of the room can handle it. I like that it had the aqua/turquoise that I wanted to bring in, but that it also had a swimmer (I was on the swim team in high school and this was my stroke). 
And that brings us to the last piece as of now. It is the Kallax bookcase from Ikea (did I mention my LOVE for Ikea). Originally, I was going to purchase the same unit, but in the high gloss turquoise. Once seeing it in person I wasn't thrilled with the color and settled with the white. It will be turned on its side and used as a shelving unit. 
Still needed is some fabric for a project, bins/baskets for the shelving unit, shelves in the closet, and artwork....oh, and I guess some organizing, LOL. 
School is right around the corner, so hopefully I will get this together before then!

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