
Slowly I am finding my way out of the spinning I feel like I have been doing for the past 2+ weeks. I love the excitement and freshness that a new school year brings, but it also comes with a LOT of stress and crazy! 
I spent my preplanning week in meetings for half the day and then spent the other half MADLY unpacking and decorating. It still is a work in progress, but I am in.love. with my classroom. This is my 11th year of teaching and by far this is my favorite classroom. 

Here are some before and afters....
After- paper buntings that I made and my ABC Chevron Word Wall letters


Reward system used with my behavior management system

used my Silhouette to create vinyl headers

Behavior Management System 

Helper Chart

Chevron bags with sticker labels. Craft sticks with students' names slide in
And some more of the ugly. Hopefully I will get the rest completed in the next two weeks {just in time for Open House ;)} and will do a complete reveal. 

...and E's first day in 1st grade! This makes me feel old :(

I hope you all have had a wonderful back to school, whether a parent or teacher. 


your photo name

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