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Linking up with Kelly

Being a Florida girl I knew I wanted some sort of nautical feel for E's nursery. We decided on sailboats from PB Kids, but then had the hardest time trying to decide what to do with the walls. I am NOT a fan of wallpaper and don't like things 'matchy-matchy'. We played off the waves in the nursery set and painted them onto the walls. The crib was reused from my sister, the tall dresser was my husband's when he was a child, and the changing table was a gift from the in-laws.

As we have transitioned into toddlerhood we have grown with the waves. I love the madras quilt and shark sheets from PB Kids that work wonderfully with the walls. We switched the crib out for the IKEA bed that has wonderful storage underneath, and the glider for E's personal chair. I also have a craft planned for this summer to hang above his bed (make sure you check back).

Small details...

PB Kids 1st Year Frame- gift from friend that I love!

Artwork from a local artist
Mobile from my Aunt- he still loves to look at

Personalized growth chart from PB Kids
My father's baby cup (he passed away when I was very young)-
E is named after him

In a couple of years we will paint over the waves and create a big-boy room. For now it is a calm and peaceful room for sweet dreams.

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Wordless Wednesday


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Teacher Tuesday

A friend of mine shared this with me this year.....I took it and decided to 'spruce' it up (she teaches 4th, I teach for all ages). It definitely is magical! Mine hangs on my classroom door so that the students can look at it while lining up. They know I am looking for all 4 of these before we can start moving towards the hall, and if they lose one along the way we stop. 

If you download, please leave a comment and tell me what you think! :)
I'm working on some word wall alphabet cards for next week.....

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Winter in Summer?

If you are E, apparently it is winter time. 
We went to the library today for Home Depot time and out of three different projects (picture frame, school bus, or snowman) he chose the snowman napkin holder! I thought for sure it was going to be the school bus, but he threw a curve ball....anyways, we made a snowman. 

He had a blast and was SO excited to wear his apron (I had to convince him that the construction hat and safety goggles were not necessary today). 

E can use a screwdriver better than some grown men.

We opted to bring home the snowman to finish with a coat of paint. (I don't know who in their right mind would want to paint there, and carry home in the car?!)

I'm glad we had this activity lined up today because we are on day 3 of rain and the wind has increased as well with Tropical Storm Debby off the coast. 
We were also lucky enough to score the school bus to bring home for tomorrow...good thing because Debby isn't going anywhere anytime soon!

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Confessional Friday

Linking up with Leslie at Blonde Ambition
  • I confess that I am VERY excited for the Olympics to start. It brings back fond  memories of my childhood and the birth of E, and a sense of pride for the country... Plus they're not bad to look at ;)
And a little interesting fact...In high school I (my team) swam against Ryan Lochte
  • I confess that my TV watching has been limited and when it is on, it's ESPN or Disney. This Momma is CRAVING some good quality reality TV....and yes I said quality ;)
  • I confess that I am happy about these rainy days we have had lately- no need to put on the suit!
  • I confess that I am highly addicted to Starbucks, specifically Chai Tea...It's a problem!

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A well-deserved and much needed day at the spa with my best friend.... We were in heaven!!


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Summer Bucket List

One of the BEST perks of being a teacher is having the summer off. Such a needed and glorious time- recouping from the year that was just had, reenergizing for the year to come, and spending quality time with my boy.
This summer we don’t have any big traveling plans so I decided to make a Bucket List of fun activities we can accomplish while on our ‘staycation’

So without further ado, I present my Summer 2012 Bucket List:

Do you have a summer bucket list?...What's on it?


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After years of being a blogaholic (the first step is admitting that you have a problem) I have decided to join the masses and create my own.

I am:
A native Floridian in my 30’s
A mother to a lively, fun, and smart (not prejudice at all) soon-to-be 4-year-old boy
A wife- married for 9 years
A teacher- Elementary Educator for 8 years
A Martha Stewart wannabe
A mamarazzi

Don’t know where this new journey is going to take me, but I hope you enjoy the ride with me! 


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